

the highest point of something,

where it is greatest or most successful


“It is not necessary for a man to be actively bad in order to make a failure in life; simple inaction will accomplish it. Nature has everywhere written her protest against idleness; everything which ceases to struggle toward an ideal, the constant effort to get higher and further, which develops manhood and character.”

— James Terry White


Learning Academy

As an affiliate under the Apogee Strong Foundation, Apogee Fort Davis sets to open in the Fall of 2024 as one of their first 50 in-person learning centers across the world! Here in our small community in the Davis Mountains of far west Texas, we believe in and vow to uphold the principles set forth by the foundation, adding our own customizations related to our unique "story of place". If you are interested in collaborating with us in any way, please let us know! - Doug & Suzan Moreland

You can find out more information about other Apogee offerings through these links:

Youth Education

Apogee Fort Davis is a learner-centered educational environment for boys and girls, essentially a private school. Our coaches help guide learners in age-range groups: roughly ages 5-8, 9-12, and 13-18+. Stay tuned for more details as we work out our programs and offerings.

Apogee Strong

Adult Education

Apogee Fort Davis is a whole-family endeavor. Parent engagement keeps connections strong in your relationships! We want you to see yourself as having primary responsibilty for your learners as they gradually take over for themselves. As adults, we set the standards for character. We pursue the best version of ourselves, always learning and growing.

Apogee Strong Dads

Dads receive enrollment in the Apogee Strong program for men, and moms receive enrollment in the women’s program. As a tribe, we encourage and uplift each other to achieve our goals and projects together! In addition, we plan to offer workshops and discussions on an array of topics for even more development.

Apogee Woman


Have you put much thought into this question? What is the end goal? Is there really even an end? What is most important to learn about life? What foundational characteristics and skills need to be learned first? If these are never established, what is the value of learning other endeavors? Is there a time limit on learning?


Are parents responsible to educate their children? Is every human responsible to himself/herself to learn? Is community support essential for the growth of individuals? Are each of these components critical to the well-being of life for everyone?


Reclaiming the foundations of a free and sovereign society by redefining education for the entire family.


  • Approach education holistically, for the whole body, mind, and spirit
  • Find joy in learning and achieving, always motivated to explore, to do, and to be
  • Create free-thinking people
  • Express our thoughts and ideas in a respectful way that is always open to question, free from any manipulation or coercion
  • Become the best version of ourselves, of highest character, always striving to make the world around us a better place for all
  • Understand our story of place, our why, our connections

Our job is to guide our learners to critically think on their own and have joy in doing it.

Together, let us reach the greatest heights of our potential.


Apogee's goal is not to coach men on what to think, but how to think. We are growing tomorrow's leaders by helping people understand the power of ideals. You will complete this program as a more self-motivated human, with the tools you need to reach your ambitions. 

Communication Skills

Participants will learn how to hold Socratic Discussions on important issues, maintaining rules of engagement in order to have productive conversation.

Entrepreneurships / Apprenticeships

We will be working within the community to learn valuable skills.

Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds

Physical fitness is a priority and we’re considering multiple avenues to achieve this, possibly including Jiu-jitsu, gymnastics, horsemanship, dance and music.


Incorporating academics through project-based learning, fostering competency, leadership, and self-direction.